Last Updated: 1/10/2023 Created: 8/23/2022

Salesforce Oauth Authorization Flows

A flow is a sequence of network requests for an app to get an access token. An access token allows an app to talk to a server on behalf of the user.

An app that talks to Salesforce is called a Connected App. It needs to be registered through Setup which will generate consumer key and a consumer secret. The key is referred to as an initial access token. The secret is private and should only be used in environments where the app is hosted in a secure environment - never on a client's computer. See Connected App Configuration.

There are several authentication flows for Salesforce. This is a gist of the documentation.

For the oauth2 flows, you use one or both of the following endpoints:

  • Authorize endpoint:
  • Token endpoint:

Once you receive an access_token, you can specify it in the Authorization HTTP header for subsequent requests using the Bearer <access token> syntax.

1. Username-Password Flow

  • Not recommended
  • Can be blocked at org level
  • In the POST request to the token endpoint, specify
    • as grant_type, the text password
    • as client_id, the "consumer key"
    • as client_secret, the "consumer secret"
    • as username, the name of the user
    • as password, the user's password
  • Receive an asset_token that you can use in the Authorization HTTP Header.

2. Web Server Flow

  • Used when the app is hosted on a secure server, and has access to client secret.
  • In the initial GET request to the authorize endpoint, specify
    • as response_type, the text code
    • as client_id, the "consumer key"
    • as redirect_uri, the path the the local web server that handles auth
  • In the subsequent POST request to the token endpoint, specify
    • as grant_type the text authorization_code
    • as code the value you received from the initial GET
    • as client_id, the "consumer key"
    • as client_secret, the "consumer secret" (if "Require Secret for Web Server Flow" is checked in the Connected App settings)
    • as redirect_uri, the path the the local web server that handles the auth

3. User-Agent Flow

  • Has the advantage of not requiring client secret

  • In the GET request to the authorize endpoint, specify

    • as response_type, the text token
    • as client_id, the "consumer key"
    • as redirect_uri, the path the the local web server that handles auth
  • Receive a GET request at the redirect URI where the hash contains the key-value pairs

    Example Outgoing Request:

    Example Incoming Request:


    Because the server code can't read hashes (req.url.hash will be empty), we need a little bit of client-code that parses the hash and relays it to another endpoint as part of the URL path (not hash). See this for an example.

  • No subsequent POST needed.

4. Device Flow

  • For use in IoT devices "with limited input or display capabilitied" and command-line (CLI) applications
  • In the initial POST request to the token endpoint, specify
    • as response type, the text device_code
    • as client_id, the "consumer key"
  • Receive
    • as device_code, a long code (valid for 10 minutes)
    • as user_code, an 8-char code (valid for 10 minutes)
    • as verification_uri, a URL for the user to enter the user code
    • as interval, minimum polling duration
  • Instruct user to enter user_code at verification_uri
  • Poll the token endpoint until successful (or timeout). Specify
    • as grant_type, the text device
    • as client_id, the "consumer key"
    • as code the device_code you received from the initial POST

5. Refresh Token Flow

  • A refresh token allows an app to request a new access token using a previously granted refresh token. Why use a refresh token
  • In the POST request, specify
    • as grant_type, the text refresh_token
    • as client_id, the "consumer key"
    • as client_secret, the "consumer secret" but only if "Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow" is checked in the Connected App settings
    • as refresh_token the value you received for it in the initial access grant.

6. Asset Token Flow

  • For use in integrating IoT devices
  • Uses JWT
  • Demo

7. SAML Bearer Assertion Flow

  • Client provides a signed SAML asswertion


  • OAuth Authorization Flows
  • Oauth Authorization flows in Salesforce | Web Server flow | JWT Bearer token flow
  • Browser SSO for CLI Applications